Men’s hair loss

(genetics and stress are among the most important causes)

Learn about prevention options and tips for male hair loss.

When you start balding or losing a lot of hair, it is important to treat the problem as soon as possible. Inherited male pattern baldness can be slowed or even stopped with special anti-hair loss treatments/vitamins. It is also important to avoid stress and have a healthy lifestyle.

Men’s hair loss

(genetics and stress are among the most important causes)

Learn about prevention options and tips for male hair loss.

When you start balding or losing a lot of hair, it is important to treat the problem as soon as possible. Inherited male pattern baldness can be slowed or even stopped with special anti-hair loss treatments/vitamins. It is also important to avoid stress and have a healthy lifestyle.

Causes of male hair loss

People typically lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day. Most of the time, this is not visible to the naked eye, because new hair grows at the same time, keeping things in balance. Noticeable hair loss occurs when new hair no longer replaces the lost hair. This is usually related to one of the following factors.

  • The most common cause of hair loss is genetics. This inherited disorder manifests itself over time and is called androgenic alopecia. It usually occurs gradually and in predictable patterns: in men, the receding hairline and the appearance of bald patches (patchy hair loss).
  • After a very stressful period, many people may notice a general decrease in the richness of their hair, lasting a few months. However, this hair loss is usually temporary.
  • Hair loss can also be a side effect of certain medications and supplements, such as those used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout, and high blood pressure.
  • Going out in the cold with wet hair, wearing a baseball cap, etc.

The science behind hair loss

What is male hair loss?

Male pattern baldness refers to hair loss or thinning of the scalp in men. This can appear as a receding hairline or general thinning of the hair on the scalp. In some cases, it causes thinning of the beard or small, thin patches.

Every hair on your body has a growth cycle. For hair loss or thinning to occur, the growth cycle must weaken, causing the hair follicles to shrink, creating shorter and finer strands, giving the appearance of thinning hair. Eventually, each hair end ends its growth cycle and no new hair grows in its place, which is when receding hairs and bald spots become visible.


Minimal thinning around the temples and slight recession along the hairline, often going unnoticed.


Thinning and recession widen, forming an M-shaped hairline.


Thinning affects the entire head. The scalp becomes visible, and bald patches appear, with a significant hairline recession.


The top of the head may now appear completely bald.

Treatment of male hair loss


Various medications are available to treat hair loss.


Drug treatments are often less expensive than hair transplants or other medical procedures.

  • Some medications can cause side effects such as headaches, sensitivity, sexual problems, and diarrhea.
  • Medicines can vary in effectiveness, and not everyone reacts to them in the same way.
  • Drug treatment is usually long-term, and hair loss may return after you stop taking the drugs.

Hair transplant

This surgical intervention is used when hair is missing from one area of the head due to hair loss, and it is transplanted and replaced from another part of the head.

  • Aesthetic improvement: As a result of hair transplantation, the patient will have thicker and fuller hair, which will improve self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Lasting result: The result of hair transplantation is usually permanent, and for the patient, it can be a long-term solution to the problem of baldness or sparse hair.
  • Minimal risk: Hair transplantation is generally safe and involves minimal risk when the patient is properly prepared and the procedure is performed by a qualified specialist.
  • High cost: The cost of a hair transplant is usually higher than the cost of other hair loss treatments.
  • Pain: The patient may experience pain during the procedure, and discomfort may occur after the procedure.
  • Possible Complications: In rare cases, complications such as infection, bleeding, scarring, swelling, and loss of sensation may occur during hair transplantation.

Laser therapy

This treatment uses low-intensity laser light to stimulate hair growth.

  • Non-invasive: Laser therapy is non-invasive and usually does not involve pain or unpleasant side effects.
  • No recovery period: No recovery period is required after the procedure and the patient can immediately return to their daily activities.
  • High cost: Laser therapy is usually more expensive than other hair loss treatments.
  • Long-term treatment required: Laser therapy usually lasts longer and requires regular treatment to achieve effective results.
  • Not effective for everyone: The effectiveness of laser therapy can vary between patients and is not a solution to the problem of hair loss for everyone.


Certain supplements and vitamins can help prevent or even stop hair loss and promote hair growth.

  • Improve hair health: Vitamins such as B vitamins and vitamin C can help improve hair health, strength and shine.
  • Prevent hair loss: Vitamins such as B vitamins and vitamin E can help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.
  • General health: Anti-hair loss vitamins usually also contain minerals such as zinc, iron and magnesium and selenium, which can also help improve general health.

There can be side effects: Some vitamins can cause side effects if you consume too much of them and exceed the recommended daily amount. BEARBEARD hair vitamin naturally excludes this possibility.

The solution

Anti-hair loss preparations for men

What is the best way to prevent/stop hair loss?
One of the most effective ways to prevent or reverse hair loss is to ensure your body is getting enough essential nutrients. Certain vitamins and minerals are especially important for maintaining healthy and strong hair.

BEARBEARD has already found a solution to male hair loss.
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Prevention of male pattern baldness

In general, most cases of baldness can be traced back to genetic causes (male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness). There is no prevention method for this type of hair loss.
The following tips can help you avoid certain types of hair loss:

  • Ask your doctor if any medications or supplements you are taking can cause hair loss.
  • Protect your hair from sunlight and other ultraviolet light sources.
  • If you smoke, consider quitting, as some studies have shown a link between smoking and male pattern baldness.
  • It is important to maintain good hygiene in order to delay hair loss. Keep your scalp clean.
  • A healthy diet is essential to prevent various problems, including hair loss.
  • Trim your hair regularly to maintain healthy ends and prevent hair damage.
  • Scalp massage can help stimulate blood flow and improve hair health.

Do you have a question? We have the answer.

What are the main causes of male hair loss?

The two main causes of male hair loss are genetics and stress. Our patented, drug-free technology effectively targets the 6 root causes that can trigger hair thinning and activate genetic predisposition – hormones, stress, lifestyle, metabolism, nutrition and aging.

Does BearBeard Hair Vitamin help stop genetic hair loss?

While we can’t change your genetics, we can support your body and block the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the primary hair-damaging hormone that causes hair thinning in genetically predisposed individuals. Palmetto, an ingredient in BearBeard Hair Vitamin, is a highly concentrated 45% fatty acid that reduces the conversion of testosterone to DHT to improve hair growth.

BearBeard Hair Vitamin help men's hair and beard grow faster?

Yes, BearBeard Premium Hair Vitamin for Men visibly results in fuller, faster growing hair after 3-6 months of continuous use.